If there were an award for the most common term at a conference anno 2023, it would undoubtedly go to 'ChatGPT'. Artificial intelligence and its associated AI tools continue to explode. While there is still an "it won't be that big of a deal" attitude, the impact will be of unprecedented magnitude. Are researchers - who by nature have a more critical and analytical view of the world - underestimating this disruptive turn of events?
In no time, AI and ChatGPT will impact the way research is conducted. They will facilitate the researcher's life, speed up (research) processes and increase agility. For now, few are using it in their daily jobs. But beware, even artificial chat robots are not always right if you choose to use the tool anyway! Ask ChatGPT literally the same question ten times. Probably a different answer will appear ten times. Moreover, the medium will never add that the answer is 100% correct, or even 80% (or less) reliable.
It is evident that the blend of new technologies, AI, surveys, ... is getting bigger and bigger. Yet humans as researchers remain - always - necessary. The tools complement existing research and will not simply replace it. See it mainly as a 'spark of creativity' in the innovation tunnel. For example, AI can contribute to data analysis, but the need for human inspiration and creativity to build hypotheses and find stories in data is inevitable. Human interaction with customers remains indispensable. The future role in which we generate impact for companies and brands by 'humanising the data' can only be achieved through storytelling and through creating visual impact.